Montessori, an “educative method” that does not educate


… did not at all affect her vision of the world and her choices, if anything it was conditioned by other cultural and ideological references such as positivism and theosophy

… for her the divinity had cosmic and pagan characteristics

… the notion of original sin was in her opinion incompatible with the “purity” that she saw in children

… Nor did she accept that in a child’s educative path there should be an authority that rewards and punishes

… identified as an expression of momentary power: of parents, of teachers, of the state

… No masters of life to follow, no objective values with which to confront oneself

… the Montessori method does not envisage any “educating community” that unites schools, families and institutions with a common objective

… what matters is putting the spotlight on individuals and strengthening them, as if they were laboratory products

… as a proto-feminist she supported the most radical freedom of choice and self-determination

… not provide for differentiated male-female paths

… no weight is given to votes and judgments


