“Lockdown is a terrible experiment”


… a group of eminent infectious-disease experts have come together to sign the Great Barrington Declaration, calling for an end to the lockdowns and for more resources to be devoted to protecting the vulnerable

… The media suggests there is a scientific consensus in favour of lockdown, but that is not the case

… it is stunning to see how focused people are on this one disease and on the short term

… cardiovascular disease outcomes are worse, cancer screenings are down, and there are mental-health issues

… trying to suppress the disease with contact tracing, testing and isolation, together with severe lockdowns, is not going to solve the problem. It will just push things into the future

… “focused protection”: focusing efforts on high-risk individuals, and letting young people live their lives normally

… in-person teaching in schools and universities, and be allowed to take part in sports and so on. Restaurants should be allowed to open

… The difference in risk between the oldest and the youngest is more than 1,000-fold

… is also hurting the working class. Those of us who can work from home are less likely to lose our jobs

… we don’t use this method for annual influenza. It doesn’t work for that. And it doesn’t work for Covid if it has already spread in the population

… We are never going to get rid of Covid. It is going to be endemic, just like other coronaviruses

… It’s a unique experiment, and it’s a terrible experiment



                  Great Barrington Declaration

