“TRUSTED Messengers” and “Behavioral Scientists”?

… will provide an initial USD 7.2 million

… understand how health mis- and disinformation spreads

… how to combat it, and how to build stronger information systems

… while increasing Covid-19 vaccination rates

… a first cohort of social and behavioral scientists from around the world

… growing global threats posed by public health mis- and disinformation

… and low Covid-19 vaccination rates

… “Vaccines are only effective if they become vaccinations; vaccines are a scientific marvel

… their potential is unfulfilled if they are left on the shelf,”

… “evaluate interventions to increase vaccination demand and build healthier information environments.”

… Conducting literacy training for secondary school students in partnership with local authorities to help students identify Covid-19 vaccine misinformation

… Equipping trusted messengers with communication strategies to increase Covid-19 vaccination demand

… Using social networks to share tailored, community-developed messaging to increase Covid-19 vaccination demand

… create a network that can work in coordination to tackle the global problems of Covid-19 vaccine misinformation and low vaccination take-up

