Maine joins 28 US STATES BANNING TikTok from government devices

… to ban TikTok from state-owned devices that connect to the government network

… More than 28 U.S. states … have banned the popular app from state-owned devices

… The U.S. armed forces have also have prohibited it on military devices

… poses a serious threat to the state’s network infrastructure

… “well-documented national security risks posed by TikTok”

… removed from all state-owned and personal devices that connect to the government’s network by Feb. 1

… “Failure to meet the requirements of this directive may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.”

… user data obtained by the app—such as browsing history and location—could be shared with the authoritarian Chinese regime

… “TikTok doesn’t just see its users’ dance videos.”


                    Cybersecurity directive 2023-01 – TikTok

