… banknotes and coins are legal tender

… banknotes and coins issued by Norges Bank

… no one is obliged to accept more than 25 coins of each denomination in one transaction

… the Financial Contracts Act, clarifying consumers’ right to pay with cash

… “In sales premises … the consumer shall be offered the option

to pay with legal tender

if it is possible to pay for the goods or services with other payment solutions”

… “If the business has available change,

it must also offer to provide change in connection with the payment,

unless there is a clear discrepancy between the banknote offered as payment and the amount to be paid”

… “The first and second sentences do not apply when the amount to be paid exceeds 20,000 kroner  [ about 1900 Dollars ]

… a sanction in the form of an administrative fine

… if businesses willfully or negligently violate the rules

… in force from 1 October 2024

