Abortionist: ‘Human beings are pregnant with human beings,’ but so what?


… Leah Torres, who previously tweeted about how she cuts the “cords” of preborn babies and they are therefore unable to scream while being aborted

… you do an ultrasound, particularly if you have children, and you see a fetus there, kicking, moving, living, doing things that your own child does, bringing it’s thumb to its mouth

… actually think that we should be less about denying the reality of those images

… I can now say openly that I do think I am ending a life every time I do an abortion

…  Dr. Curtis Boyd said: “Am I killing? Yes, I am. I know that.” He commits abortions up to 6 months … says he prays for the souls of the babies he aborts

… No one, neither the patient receiving an abortion, nor the person doing the abortion, is ever, at anytime, unaware that they are ending a life



      National Abortion Federation – annual meeting

