Australian army hauls 38 citizens to quarantine facility over some positive COVID tests

… ordered the transfer of 38 Australians from a remote Aboriginal town to a quarantine facility

… Nine people there had tested positive for COVID-19

… positive cases or “close contacts,” was taken in army trucks

… Both Binjari and the neighboring town of Rockhole are now fully locked down

… are not allowed to leave their homes except for emergencies, medical treatment, or “if required by law.”

… the vaccination status of the positive cases “has not been confirmed yet.”

… “If you are anti-mandate, you are absolutely anti-vax; I don’t care what your personal vaccination status is,”

… Only 266 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were recorded since early 2020


Quarantine facilities

… every person in quarantine must do what the Direction says

… must not leave the quarantine zone in which the person’s allocated room is located

… You are not able to share or hand over physical objects to residents who are not your family members

… sms reminder texts and verbally in person if we see you are not following the Direction

… If you do not undergo a test, you will be required to remain in quarantine a further 10 days at your own expense

… not permitted … Cooking equipment … Toys or recreational items … Care packages, personal goods or meal deliveries 


Mandatory supervised quarantine and fees

… The quarantine fee for an individual is $2,500 for the full 14 day period

… family rate of $5,000 applies for family groups of two or more people in shared accommodation

… Australian residents with a low income may be eligible for a reduced quarantine fee of: $1,250 per person or $2,500 per family of two or more people sharing accommodation

… If you are unable to pay the full amount of the invoice in one transaction, you will be able to set up a payment plan


              Quarantine facilities


               Mandatory supervised quarantine and fees

