Austria rises up against “health dictatorship”

… The police and the army refuse to control the health passes in the name of “freedom and human dignity”

… They will join a large demonstration against compulsory confinement on November 20, 2021 in Vienna

… decided to confine unvaccinated people, politicians and trade unions are calling for a large-scale uprising

… Austrian Armed Forces Union (FGÖ) … specifies that “everyone” is allowed to demonstrate, even if they are confined!

… obligation of control imposed by the Minister of the Interior, Karl Nehammer, has already been rejected by the police union

… Union of Austrian Armed Forces announced that they will participate in the big rally in Vienna

… “Participation and travel throughout Austria is permitted.”

… non-vaccinated people are advised to travel by private transport

… “the ban on a meeting planned by citizens as well as the ban on a political party rally have been recognized as illegal” by the Vienna Administrative Court

