Baptisms conferred with arbitrarily modified formulas are not valid


… The Sacrament of Baptism administered with an arbitrarily modified formula is not valid

… those for whom “baptism” was celebrated in this way must be baptized “in forma absoluta” — that is unconditionally — by repeating the rite according to the liturgical norms stipulated by the Church

… “the deliberate modification of the sacramental formula was introduced to emphasize the communitarian significance of Baptism”

…“when one baptizes it is really Christ himself who baptizes”

… “the ancient temptation to substitute for the formula handed down by Tradition with other texts judged more suitable”

… “modifying on one’s own initiative the form of the celebration of a Sacrament does not constitute simply a liturgical abuse

… invalid the Sacrament itself, because the nature of the ministerial action requires the transmission with fidelity of that which has been received”



             Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 

