Cardinal Zen’s last cry for China and Hong Kong


… The 88-year-old cardinal traveled halfway across the globe to reach Rome to seek an audience with Pope Francis to discuss a very delicate matter. Yet, the pope’s door remained firmly shut

… Zen was granted a 100-hour travel visa to Italy and special permission to meet with the pope

… Choi is a name very well thought of by the Communist authorities in Beijing

… I am a Chinese Cardinal and I am not allowed to know what the Holy See has decided for the Chinese Church

… The agreement concerns the nomination of [Chinese] bishops. Well, in two years, there has been not a single new appointment

… seven excommunicated bishops have been officially recognized by the Holy See

… The age of the catacombs is back

… “Communism is not eternal,” Zen said. “And when it falls we will discover that the Church has collaborated with this brutal regime. The Church will no longer have any moral authority”


