In recent decades there has been some nasty infighting among Catholics who argue about which life issue is the most important, especially in guiding one’s political choices.
Chi vende cerca di forzare la resistenza del compratore. Chi dona ha il diritto di attendere che si venga a lui... ( G. Thibon )
In recent decades there has been some nasty infighting among Catholics who argue about which life issue is the most important, especially in guiding one’s political choices.
… Los obispos bolivianos han acusado a Morales. “Nos parece irresponsable por imprudente el decreto supremo número 3973 del Gobierno Nacional
… I vescovi boliviani hanno puntato il dito contro Morales. “Consideriamo irresponsabile ed imprudente il decreto supremo n. 3973
Greta Thunberg’s smiling face (the teenage symbol of the fight against climate change) at Stockholm’s Gay Pride
Leonardo Boff, a Liberation-theology proponent, is widely credited for being the ‘theologian of reference’ for the upcoming controversial Amazon synod.
Pope Francis is “one of us. He has turned Liberation Theology into a common property of the Church. And he has widened it.”
… dal 16 agosto l’attività degli incendi nell’Amazzonia del Brasile è stata inferiore alla media degli ultimi 15 anni
… datos satelitales de la NASA confirmó que desde el pasado 16 de agosto la actividad total de incendios en la cuenca del Amazonas ha sido cercana al promedio de los últimos 15 años
Che cos’è l’aborto?