But – I have been asking myself about this for years – we still do not succeed in understanding: 1) how the Church came to the situation he describes; 2) if and how it is possible to reverse the course.
Chi vende cerca di forzare la resistenza del compratore. Chi dona ha il diritto di attendere che si venga a lui... ( G. Thibon )
But – I have been asking myself about this for years – we still do not succeed in understanding: 1) how the Church came to the situation he describes; 2) if and how it is possible to reverse the course.
Pope Francis told a Spanish journalist on Sunday that he believes that the coronavirus pandemic is nature “having a fit” in response to environmental pollution.
At the global juncture of the pandemic underway, there is no trace of a contribution from the Church “mater et magistra” that would measure up to its universal motherhood and teaching office.
… After independence in 1921, the Church took on the running of the education system, which up until then had obviously been run by the British government
‘It is just one more piece of Chinese propaganda to add to the ever-growing pile of lies that Beijing has been telling these past three months.’
On the same day of Wednesday March 18, Pope Francis and Cardinal Camillo Ruini gave two interviews on the coronavirus emergency.
Che cos’è l’aborto?