Greta Thunberg’s smiling face (the teenage symbol of the fight against climate change) at Stockholm’s Gay Pride
Chi vende cerca di forzare la resistenza del compratore. Chi dona ha il diritto di attendere che si venga a lui... ( G. Thibon )
Greta Thunberg’s smiling face (the teenage symbol of the fight against climate change) at Stockholm’s Gay Pride
In China there was on August 26 the first episcopal ordination made on the basis of the accord stipulated with Beijing on September 22 2018
Leonardo Boff, a Liberation-theology proponent, is widely credited for being the ‘theologian of reference’ for the upcoming controversial Amazon synod.
Pope Francis is “one of us. He has turned Liberation Theology into a common property of the Church. And he has widened it.”
He casually revealed just how easy-going he was about the justifications for late-term abortion, noting that there are all kinds of health to be concerned with, including financial and social health.
… Between July 21 and 27, a formation course on the work of the Catholic Church of Fujian (Ningde) was held at the Central Institute of Socialism
The Catholic Archdiocese of Medellín, Colombia, led by Archbishop Ricardo Antonio Tobón Restrepo, has allowed a lesbian “married” couple to be listed on a child’s baptism certificate as “Mother 1” and “Mother 2.”
Instrumentum Laboris: … In the context of the call for harmony with nature, there is even talk about the dialogue with the spirits (no. 75)
Pope Francis had to pardon eight bishops previously installed without the approval of Rome, who had thereby incurred excommunication.
Che cos’è l’aborto?