… Once upon a time there was the virtue “epikeia.” I don’t know if readers remember the Synod on the Family and its opening up of discussion about granting Communion to the divorced and remarried who continue to live more uxorio
Chi vende cerca di forzare la resistenza del compratore. Chi dona ha il diritto di attendere che si venga a lui... ( G. Thibon )
… Once upon a time there was the virtue “epikeia.” I don’t know if readers remember the Synod on the Family and its opening up of discussion about granting Communion to the divorced and remarried who continue to live more uxorio
… En definitiva, Oxfam quiere que los países industrializados asuman una vez más la carga de ayudar a los países en desarrollo
… In essence Oxfam wants industrialised countries to once again take on the burden of helping developing countries
Aucune chauve-souris n’a semble-t-il jamais été vendue au marché des animaux vivants de Wuhan. The Lancet a établi en janvier que le premier cas de Covid-19 à Wuhan n’avait aucun rapport avec le marché.
An obstetrician has been sentenced to three years and six months in prison for killing a baby who “burst out crying” during abortion procedures.
In Spain, the Ministry of Health revealed that 640,000 coronavirus tests that it had purchased from a Chinese supplier were defective
REPAM announced on 3 April that Pope Francis has approved of the establishment of a new episcopal body of the bishops of the Amazon region which had been proposed by the Amazon Synod’s final document
I asked him concretely whether it was possible that we might see in the future an economy that – to use his words – was more “human” and less “liquid”.
The Holy Father, during a recent audience granted to His Eminence Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer
Invited local Muslims to offer an Islamic prayer during a Mass last Friday that was live-streamed by the parish and broadcast over local radio.
Che cos’è l’aborto?