Chi vende cerca di forzare la resistenza del compratore. Chi dona ha il diritto di attendere che si venga a lui... ( G. Thibon )
Each day around noon, I receive an alert on my cell phone. The announcement comes courtesy of a local television station, which reports the number of Coronavirus cases that day in my state, along with the overall death toll from the vicious virus.
More than a dozen countries on four continents have recently disclosed problems with Chinese-made coronavirus tests and personal protective equipment
Pope Francis has insisted once again that natural disasters, like the Wuhan coronavirus, are the unforgiving earth’s revenge for sins against the environment.
At a prior date, when she was still lucid, the 74-year-old woman made a declaration that she did not want to end up in a nursing home and wanted euthanasia when she considered it was the “right time”.
The John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family wishes to communicate that Catholics and all reasonable men and women must beware the infiltration of a pagan, earth-centered New-Age sentiment subtly making its way into certain levels of our culture.
African countries desperately need ventilators, personal protective equipment and basic medical supplies as the coronavirus spreads there
… Hubo una vez una epiqueya. No sé si el lector recuerda el Sínodo sobre la familia y la apertura de la Comunión a los divorciados y vueltos a casar que continúan viviendo more uxorio
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