Chi vende cerca di forzare la resistenza del compratore. Chi dona ha il diritto di attendere che si venga a lui... ( G. Thibon )
In an apparent repudiation of the Great Commission to baptize and teach all nations (Matthew 28:16-20), Pope Francis has recently told a group of high school students in Rome that speech should never be used in order to convince a non-believer of the truths of the Catholic Faith.
Desde hoy, 17 de diciembre, hasta la vigilia anterior a la de Navidad, en el momento que se recita el Magnificat, en la oración de Vísperas del rito romano, se cantan siete antífonas
From today, December 17, until the day before Christmas Eve, at the Magnificat during vespers in the Roman rite, seven antiphons are sung
À partir d’aujourd’hui, le 17 décembre, et jusqu’à l’avant-veille de Noël, on chante au Magnificat des vêpres de rite romain sept antiennes, une par jour
The United States Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit Monday that challenged Kentucky’s requirement that women considering abortion be offered ultrasound images, without comment. The pro-life law will remain in effect.
Che cos’è l’aborto?