“How Bergoglio fought for gay unions, but lost”


… Argentinean bishops put the future pontiff in a minority position on civil unions

… Pope Francis added these words, “that’s what I fought for”

… depicting a precise opinion held by the pontiff and  not just one of those things that happens

… “a possible alternative to what was called – and is still called – ‘egalitarian marriage”’

… “On that occasion we bishops, contrary to what Bergoglio was proposing, argued that it wasn’t just a political or sociological issue, but entailed a moral judgment”

… We took a vote and the Argentinean bishops rejected that proposal with a nay vote

… contrary to matrimony, but in favour of a civil regulation solution

… is an opinion embedded in Bergoglio’s mind

… the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith says, “In no way is it possible to approve this conduct or the legal recognition of these unions”

… It would be a scandal added on to the promotion of clergymen with very bad reputations



      Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

