London has (again) CHANGED its mind on Covid vaccines in PREGNANCY and breastfeeding?


— A guide to COVID-19 vaccination    [ Leaflet 1 – 2 ]

11 April 2022

COVID-19 vaccination is strongly recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women

— The coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines available in the UK have been shown to be effective and to have a good safety profile

— It is important to have your COVID-19 vaccinations to protect you and your baby

— reminding pregnant women to have their COVID-19 vaccines as soon as possible

— They should not delay vaccination until after they have given birth

— Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are the preferred vaccines for pregnant women of any age

— There is no need to avoid getting pregnant after COVID-19 vaccination

— recommended that the vaccines can be received whilst breastfeeding

16 August 2022

Reproductive and developmental toxicity:

          A combined fertility and developmental study (including teratogenicity and postnatal investigations) in rats is ongoing

Prenatal and postnatal development, including maternal function:

          No such studies have been done

Studies in which the offspring (juvenile animals) are dosed and/or further evaluated:

          No such studies have been done

Other toxicity studies:

          No such studies have been done

Toxicity conclusions:

          … there are studies ongoing and these will be provided when available

          … it is considered that sufficient reassurance of safe use of the vaccine in pregnant women cannot be provided at the present time

          … use in women of childbearing potential could be supported provided healthcare professionals are advised to rule out known or suspected pregnancy prior to vaccination

          … Women who are breastfeeding should also not be vaccinated

                               Leaflet 1 – 2 (2020)

                11 April 2022

                16 August 2022

