McCarrick, the gay lobby scores again


… a “truth operation” as announced, or a “surreal operation of mystification”

… tolerance towards homosexual conduct also on the part of members of the clergy

… “everything changed, as already mentioned, when the first accusation of sexual abuse of a minor emerged”

… dozens and dozens of future priests who shared the bed with McCarrick

… the steel trap clicked shut only when a minor appeared among his accusers

… ignores the fact that the second crime – abuse of minors – is the offspring of the first one

… without a network of relations and complicity at various levels, certain careers would be practically impossible

… Pope Francis who had to face the truth of evidence after having discredited the victims who accused  bishops and priests of being abusers

… the mysterious shelter in the Vatican offered to the Argentinean bishop Zanchetta

… the accusations that pursue the cardinal from Honduras, Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga

… “It’s all slander”, said the pope last year

… the recently appointed cardinal Marcello Semeraro, who turned his current diocese of Albano into the Italian capital of Lgbt Christians

… the road ahead is being paved for the idea that for a priest to have homosexual inclinations is not a problem



                  Vatican News


         Report Related to Cardinal McCarrick (Holy See)

