TO CREATE a monkeypox strain that is MORE DEADLY

… A Government laboratory plans to make more lethal

… the dominant clade, which mostly causes a rash and flu-like symptoms,

… with genes from another strain that causes severe disease

… They hope the experiment will reveal how different genes make monkeypox more deadly

… spur the development of better drugs and vaccines for humans

… a similar experiment involving a hybrid Covid strain was conducted at Boston University

… is being funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)  [ Anthony Fauci ]

… ‘poses an exceptionally high risk’ to the public if it accidentally leaks

… such research continues to go on in the US despite fears similar practices may have started the pandemic

… will involve extracting dozens genes from the more severe clade 1 monkeypox virus

and putting them into the milder clade 2 virus

… They will then infect mice with the hybrid virus and monitor how the disease progresses

… had initially attempted the reverse

… swapping genetic materials in the less virulent clade into clade 1 to make it less deadly

… without success

… The current global outbreak is confirmed to be driven by clade 2

… the less deadly … has a mortality rate of less than one percent

… Clade 1 kills one in 10 people it infects

… ‘A laboratory-generated monkeypox virus… more lethal than, and as transmissible

… likely would defeat protection by vaccines

… likely would spread beyond current at-risk populations to the general population

… ‘The risk-benefit ratio is essentially infinite, comprising potentially existential risks.’


                Monkeypox, Jynneos Package insert

