TOTALITARIAN regimes and democracies: the DIFFERENCES

… In totalitarian regimes they have massacres and wars. In free democracies they have humanitarian interventions

… In totalitarian regimes they use torture. In free democracies they use enhanced interrogation techniques

… In totalitarian regimes they fund terrorist groups to create instability. In free democracies they fund terrorist groups to create stability

… In totalitarian regimes a single party upholds and enforces the status quo. In free democracies, two parties uphold and enforce the status quo

… In totalitarian regimes you know exactly who rules over you. In free democracies the true rulers hide behind fake puppet governments

… In totalitarian regimes they don’t let political dissidents speak. In free democracies they just refuse dissidents any influential platforms

… In totalitarian regimes they circle the planet with military bases, wage endless wars which kill millions, and work to destroy any nation which disobeys their government

… Whoops, sorry, that’s actually free democracies

… In totalitarian regimes political speech is heavily regulated by the government. In free democracies political speech is heavily regulated by the government via Silicon Valley

… In totalitarian regimes the powerful determine what happens regardless of the desire of the people. In free democracies the powerful determine what the people will desire to happen

… In totalitarian regimes you are forced to obey. In free democracies you are trained to think your obedience was your own idea

… In totalitarian regimes you are not free, and you know it. In free democracies you are not free, and you don’t know it

