USA, Sen. Lankford with 3D Photos: ‘IS THAT A BABY?’

… “That face, that nose, those two eyes, that mouth, that chin, those fingers—is that a baby? That’s really the only question

… to pull the arms and legs off of a child in the womb so that they will bleed to death

… That’s what reproductive care means

… Is that a human child with a future and a purpose and a name? Are all children valuable, or are only some?

… President Biden this week celebrated the passage of Roe v. Wade by declaring that he wants to pass a federal law requiring abortion to be provided in every single state in America

… “that child can still be destroyed, even though they are fully delivered”

… instead of confronting the folks that were trafficking the child body parts, he went after the folks that took the video

… That child has DNA that’s different than the mom or the dad

… Speak out for those who can’t speak for themselves because millions of future Americans are counting on it. And they’re watching for someone to admit the facts, the facts that have a face



           Video #1 (min. 08:51) 

          Video #2 (min. 08:24)

